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Andrew Tran

Do you have Abdominal Separation?


A common issue that happens in pregnant and post-pregnant women is abdominal separation (more formally known as diastasis recti).

Abdominal separation tends to occur during and after pregnancy and happens when the growing uterus causes the 2 long, parallel muscles of your stomach to separate from each other. The reason it may happen is partly due to the pressure of your growing baby but also partly due to the hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy.

Common symptoms:

  • Visible and palpable separation of rectus abdominis muscle (see the video below to see how it can be done)

  • Lower back, pelvic and/or hip pain

  • Poor posture

  • Feeling weak through the midsection

  • Feelings of “flabbiness” in the abdominal muscles

It is more common in women who have had more than 1 child, aged more than 35 or having twins or triplets (or more!). It can also occur in small-statured women who are having a larger than average baby.

Do you suffer pain from abdominal separation? Watch the video below:

1. Heel slides

2. Heel raises

3. Hip circles

Repeat 20-30 repetitions of each exercise 2-3 times/day

The best way to address abdominal separation is Clinical Pilates, a service which we offer 1 to 1 at Central Rehab !

Would you like to know more? Please call (02) 9870 0250 and one of our lovely physiotherapists will give you a free phone consultation about what can be done to fix your abdominal separation!

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